Tue 07 Jan
9/6-9/15 GOT E-D trouble? Learn 2 "LAST LONGER"! TANTRA Lesson + a GREAT PROS TATE massage - 55
(Wichita, Wichita >> 2 HR NOTICE ... IN ONLY)
Spend your MONDAY Night Right 👄 Beautiful Blonde 🍒 Sexy Sweet Addictive 💕 Ready 2 Play 👅 - 23
(Wichita, wichita out)
!!STOP!! »» You've Found the One Your Looking For!! Don't Miss Your Opportunity!! - 26
(Outcall Only, Wichita)
Spring into pleasure with a mature busty lady!! Everyday spec(80)iall!! - 59
(Wichita, Incalls-Kellog and West St.)
Suck Chrome Off Bumper ✔ Hr Special ♥ Call - NO Text Plz - 53
(Wichita, Out (Call for Travel Outside City))
💜💙SASHA***ONLY here til sunday 😍 DONT miss out 📞316•251• 3175 💋INCALL ONLY - 29
(East Kellogg INCALL only, Wichita)
★SEXY ★ SWEET★ PLAYMATE ☆★ (((((((((( AVAILABLE 24/7 ))))))))) ★☆★ CALL NOW - 19
(Wichita, incall only west wichita)
💜💙💜*°*°*° Let's Get Kinky! 💋 *°*° Toy Show Specials!😋 60 Special!💜💙💜 - 22
(Lincoln & washington, Wichita)
Keep it in the family! Have us both... Sp200cial! Wednesday only then we are gone! - 55
(Wichita, Incalls-West Wichita)
____ (( L★★ K )) __here__ ((( EXOTIC ))) __sexy__ (( B O M B S H E L L )) __amazing__ - 28
(Wichita, Wichita/TRAVEL)
***Fun Sexy Exotic Brunette*** ---- Specials--- Call Me!!!! - 24
(Wichita, wichita, all surrounding up to 60 miles)
•••►HIGH IN DEMAND!!!!! ♛# 1 ❤^100 Incall Special~~Sexy ❤Upscale »-★-»Tight •✿•Beautiful ▄▀▄▀▄ - 25
(Topeka, Surrounding area of Topeka, Lawrence, KC)
~*~ GET ~*~ WHAT ~*~ UR ~*~ LOOKING ~*~ FOR !!! ~*~ HoT ~*~ SeXy ~*~ Swedish 100 % ME GUARANTEED - 50
(Witchita & Oklahoma)
( H O T ) *DeLiciOuS* ___ {BlOnDe & BruNeTTe} __ B A R B i E S ___ {= ___ AvAiLBLe ___ =} SpEcIaLs - 20
(Wichita, All Of Wichita)
I Do all The RigHt Tr!cKs. .{{ ATrue Fr3@k 38DDD's}} * *! - 20
!!! HONEY ~ HONEY~ HONEY~!!! SPECIALS !!!!!! Hawaiian, SEXY, CLassy , OUTCALLS only - 25
(Wichita, WICHITA-)
Hey guy's it's me TEENA MARIE!!!! Beautiful SEXY and Blonde! X-tra HOT Specials!!! - 28
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
💋💄 I'll DO what she WON'T 🍩 💋💄 CALL ME NOW!!! 🍩Great SPECIALS ASK ME - 23
(Wichita, wich & surr cities (in/call kell& olive))
POSH CONFIDENTIAL Is Hiring Escort Models Attractive Caucasian, Asian or Latina Upmarket Lifestyle - 90
(HIRING NOW GIRLS NOW Make MONEY NOW, Lawrence, Manhattan, Wichita)
Mon 06 Jan
°°• ★•°° P★RN Star Kyla Y0ung Visiting Wichita °°• ★•°° PERFECT reviews!! °°• ★•°° LAST DAY - 69
OUT ONLY ➡Iam your guilty pleasure an one way ticket to your freaky side🔥😜. Dripping💦W💦E💦T - 20
(Wichita, Wichita Kansas)
Not being treated like the king that you are? Ill loan you my castle and let you rule it!!! - 40
(West, Wichita)
( NEW! )==•••► •• SO•• P E R F E C T___ •(( **M A N P L E A S E R** ))_◄••• ===DONT•• MiSS OUT - 20
(Wichita, For A LIMITED Time Only...CAll Now!)
(P)retty(Y)oung(T)hang 💎💎🎀🎀 Intown for short time only so come enjoy the sweet ASIA 💄💄💋 - 21