Mon 27 Jan
Sultry SeXy ScRuMpDilIiciOUs !! 351-2893 NEW PIXS !!!!! I'm READY !!! - 22
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* Sweet __ Like __ Sugar ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* NEW__ 2__ AREA ·.¸.·´¯* ♥ - 20
(Wichita & Surronding Areas)
L-A-S-T C-H-A-N-C-E!!! !!!! 120.00 special!! I'm SOOO W** (with sweat)!!! - 22
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
★* Let__ Me__ Be__ Your__ Independent__ IN / OUT Call__ Girl ★* - 20
(*Wichita & Surronding Areas*)
Let ME B Your NeW FaNtAsY GiRl!! I am LooKinG 4 Sum Great REVIEWS !!!!! - 28
(wichita and surronding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
WHAT? REALLY? HOT hot HOT!!!!Ur eye's ONLY!!!! X-tra HOT Specials!!! - 28
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
****** Beautiful SEXY Brunette ***** GOBBLE GOBBLE!!!!! Special Specials ***** - 24
(wichita and surronding areas)
I GoT What U NEED! I Got What U Want !!! You wana b my ?!! ******* - 25
(wichita and surronding areas)
**** 120.00 specials $$$$$$ Look AT the ReSt and cOmE C the BEST ~~~ !!! ******** - 25
(wichita and surronding areas)
**** ~~~ W ~~~a ~~~N ~~~a ^^^^ P ~~~L ~~~a ~~Y ??? Great RaTE !!! ******** - 24
(wichita and surronding areas)
UR ULTIMATE DeSiRe GuarANtEEd!!!! RED-HeaDed HOTtie at UR SERvICE!!!! - 22
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
All my aTTentIon is for U !!!! Let me be YOUR fAnTAcY 100 bux !!!!! - 30
(wichita and surronding areas)
HELLO!!!!! Get ur EXCLUSIVE PEEK at ME!!! Guaranteed SATisFaCtiOn!!! - 22
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
WHAT? REALLY? HOT hot HOT!!!!Ur eye's ONLY!!!! X-tra HOT 100.00 Specials!!! - 28
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
Every thing YOU NEED and MORE YoU"LL back 4 MoRe @ Ur Service!!!! bux!!! - 28
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
WOW!!!~New PIC'S~ Super SEXXY Undeniably IRResistible RED !!! 120.00 SPECIAL!!! - 22
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
**** Serious 120.00 SpEcIaL Call now!!! I'm waiting 4 U 2 C ME !!! ******** - 25
(wichita and surronding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
****** VETERANS DAY Specials !!! Get your FLAG RAISED by ME !!!!!! Blonde BOMB shell! - 23
(Wichita and surronding areas)
Hey guy's LOOK at ME!!! New New Pics!!!! Sexy 4 Ur eYeS OnLy ~~~~ - 25
(wichita and surronding areas)
**** 100.00 specials $$$$$$ Look AT the ReSt and cOmE C the BEST ~~~ !!! ******** - 25
(wichita and surronding areas)
Tue 07 Jan
Hey guy's it's me TEENA MARIE!!!! Beautiful SEXY and Blonde! X-tra HOT Specials!!! - 28
(Wichita, wichita and surronding areas)
Sun 05 Jan
NEW PICS!!! Scrumpdilicious CALL ME NOW!!! UnFoRgEtTaBlE ME ******* - 25
(wichita and surronding areas)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan